8 tips on Research Model Development

Identify research gap

  1. Seek for hints in prior papers
    Explore previous papers that you are interested in and see the limitations or suggestions for future research
  2. Use Spreadsheet to organize literature review
    Name excel sheet base on theories/concepts, relationship between variables
  3. Include prior models & measurement items with citations
    Place related models and Measurement items with citation accordingly each sheet so that it will be easier for you to compare each models
  4. Make table summary of each similar concepts/theories
    Make table summary of each concepts that proposed similar/related concept by various authors so that you will see the different amon g them.Then, select the one that align with your study.
  5. Make table summary of related empirical researches
    Make table summary of related empirical research so that you will see the different among them. Then, select the one that align with your study.
  6. Include highlight details in the table summary
    Table details include Author & published year, variable name that refer to similar meaning, related variables, research context, findings (if any)
  7. Group empirical papers
    Group empirical papers that has some similarity base on your determined criteria
  8. Develop research model
    Develop your research model through integrating/adapting prior research considering interested/new independent variables, dependent variables, moderators, mediators, measurement items, supported theory and concept, methodology, context